Handling errors

When parglare encounters a situation in which no SHIFT or REDUCE operation could be performed it will report an error by raising an instance of parglare.ParseError class.

ParseError has the following attributes:

  • location - an instance of the Location class with information of the span of the error.

  • symbols_expected (list) - a list of expected symbol at the location.

  • tokens_ahead (list) - a list of tokens recognized at the position by trying all terminal symbols recognizers from the grammar. Note that this list might be empty in case nothing can be recognized at the position or it might have more than one element if more recognizers succeeds (lexical ambiguity).

  • symbols_before (list) - a list of last seen symbols. In the case of LR parser it will always be a single element list. In the case of GLR there might be more symbols if there were multiple parser heads.

  • last_heads (list) - A list of last GLR parser heads. Available only for GLR parsing.

  • grammar (Grammar) - An instance of parglare.Grammar class used for parsing.

Error recovery

There are a lot of situations where you would want parser to report all the errors in one go. To do this, parser has to recover from errors, i.e. get to the valid state and continue.

To enable error recovery set error_recovery parameter of parser construction to True. This will enable implicit error recovery strategy that will try to search for expected tokens in the input ahead and when the first is found the parsing will continue. All errors will be collected as an errors list on the parser instance.

Each error is an instance of ParseError class. In case no recovery is possible last ParseError will be raised. ParserError has a location which represents the span of the error in the input (e.g. error.location.start_position and error.location.end_position).

Custom recovery strategy

To provide a custom strategy for error recovery set error_recovery parser constructor parameter to a Python function. This function should have the following signature:

def error_recovery_strategy(context, error):

Using the head object you can query the state of the parser. E.g. to get the position use context.position, to get the parser state use context.state, to get expected symbols in this state use context.state.actions.keys().

To get information about the error use error object. E.g. to get expected symbols at this position for which parser can successfully continue use error.symbols_expected.

The recovery function should modify the head (e.g. its position and/or token_ahead) and bring it to a state which can continue. If the recovery is successful the function should return True, otherwise False.

You can call a default error recovery from your custom recovery by context.parser.default_error_recovery(context)