GLR forest

The GLR parser returns the parse forest (Forest object). The forest is created in an efficient way to store all the possible solutions without exponential explosion. This structure is called Shared Packed Parse Forest (SPPF).

The forest is iterable and indexable structure.

For example:

forest = GLRParser(grammar).parse(some_input)

for tree in forest:
  ... do something

tree = forest[3]

# To get the number of trees/solutions

# or

# To get the total number of ambiguities in the forest.

Forest trees are lazily constructed during iteration and accessing of tree nodes.

Both forest and parse trees have to_str and to_dot methods to render as string/dot.


You can use to_str() on the forest get the string representation with all ambiguities indicated. This can be used to analyze ambiguity. For example:

parser = GLRParser(g)
forest = parser.parse_file('some_file')
with open('forest.txt', 'w') as f:

This can also be done with pglr parse command.

Another option is to use to_str() on individual trees and then use diffing tool to compare.

For example:

parser = GLRParser(g)
forest = parser.parse_file('some_file')
for idx, tree in enumerate(forest):
    with open(f'tree_{idx:03d}.txt', 'w') as f:

Now you can run any diff tool on the produced outputs to see where are the ambiguities:

$ meld tree_000.txt tree_001.txt

For smaller inputs you can also use to_dot to display a forest/tree as a graph.

There is also forest.get_tree(idx) which is the same as forest[idx], i.e. it returns lazy tree. To get non-lazy tree, i.e. tree whose proxies are pre-initialized, call forest.get_nonlazy_tree(idx). If you just need the first tree, call forest.get_first_tree() to get an unpacked tree which consists only of NodeTerm and NodeNonTerm. This tree is the fastest to navigate but only tree 0 is supported in this form.

Parse trees

Parse trees are produced by GLR parse forest.

Parse trees are also returned by the LR parser if build_tree parser constructor parameter is set to True.

The nodes of parse trees are instances of either NodeTerm for terminal nodes (leafs of the tree) or NodeNonTerm for non-terminal nodes (intermediate nodes).

Each node of the tree has following attributes:

  • start_position/end_position - the start and end position in the input stream where the node starts/ends. It is given in absolute 0-based offset. To convert to line/column format for textual inputs you can use parglare.pos_to_line_col(input_str, position) function which returns tuple (line, column). Of course, this call doesn't make any sense if you are parsing a non-textual content.

  • layout_content - the layout that precedes the given tree node. The layout consists of whitespaces/comments.

  • symbol (property) - a grammar symbol this node is created for.

Additionally, each NodeTerm has:

  • value - the value (a part of input_str) which this terminal represents. It is equivalent to input_str[start_position:end_position].

  • additional_data - a list of additional information returned by a custom recognizer. This gets passed to terminal nodes actions if call_actions is called for the parse tree.

Additionally, each NodeNonTerm has:

  • children - sub-nodes which are also of NodeNonTerm/NodeTerm type. NodeNonTerm is iterable. Iterating over it will iterate over its children.

  • production - a grammar production whose reduction created this node.

Each node has a to_str() method which will return a string representation of the sub-tree starting from the given node. If called on a root node it will return the string representation of the whole tree.

For example, parsing the input 1 + 2 * 3 - 1 with the expression grammar from the quick start will look like this if printed with to_str():

    number[0, 1]
  +[2, +]
      number[4, 2]
    *[6, *]
      number[8, 3]
-[10, -]
  number[11, 1]


A visitor function is provided for depth-first processing of a tree-like structures (actually can be applied to graphs also).

The signature of visitor is:

def visitor(root, iterator, visit, memoize=True, check_cycle=False):


  • root is the root element of the structure to process
  • iterator iterator is a callable that should return an iterator for the given element yielding the next elements to process. E.g. for a tree node iterator callable should return an iterator yielding children nodes.
  • visit is a function called when the node is visited. It results will be passed into visitors higher in the hierarchy (thus enabling bottom-up processing). visit function should accept three parameters: current tree node, sub-results from lower-level visitors and the depth of the current tree node.
  • memoize - Should results be cached. Handy for direct acyclic graphs if we want to prevent multiple calculation of the same sub-graph.
  • check_cycle - If set to True will prevent traversing of cyclic structure by keeping cache of already visited nodes and throwing LoopError if cycle is detected.

visitor is used internally by parglare so the best place to see how it is used is the parglare code itself.